SAINT MARK BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC A.K.A. Madison, SC Version 2.3, 20-Mar-2005, C174.TXT, C174 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 TRANSCRIPTION .. : Cawthon Family at in Mar-2005 CEMETERY LOCATION: ------------------ Locate intersection of Highways 76 & 123 in Westminster. Start (SW) on Highway 123 (W Main St). In 2.0 miles turn right (W) onto TU-63. In 0.1 miles bear left (SW) onto Thornburg Rd. In 2.2 miles go straight (W) onto Singleton Rd (SR 37-161. In 0.5 miles go straight (SW) onto Hopewell Church Rd. In 1.6 miles turn right (W) onto Highway 123. In 2.0 miles turn right on New Madison Rd. Church is on your right. Latitude N 34 37.411 x Longitude W 83 11.875 CHURCH/CEMETERY HISTORY: ------------------------ Established March 10, 1809 About seventy-five years ago a few devout Christians desiring a place to worship God, borrowed deacons from Travelers Rest Baptist Church and organized what is now St. Mark Baptist Church. The first church was a log building where the cemetery is now. Rev. Tennis Maxwell was the first pastor and the first deacons were Brothers Gilbert Robinson, Sun-day Thompson, Ben Doyle, Henry Childers and Jim Davis. Other pastors were Rev. Richmond Willlams, Rev. Scott, Rev. John Watson, Rev. Williams, Rev. Baker, Rev. C.M. Galloway, Rev. Eugene Rice, Rev. H.H. Sanders, Rev. J.D. Bryan, Rev. W.J. Owens, Rev. Willie Jenkins, and Rev. O.D. Benson. The following persons served as church clerk: Brothers N.T. Doyle, Joe Poole, Sister Frances Wilson, Brother Henry Perry, Brother Joe Poole, Sister Betty Poole Woods and the present clerk Brother M. Thompson. The following have served as deacons of the church Brothers William Keith, Mose Warren, Clark Everett, Robin Keels, Alfred Thompson, Warrior Perry, Joe Poole, John Poole, Robert Wilson, J.Y. Poole, and Lawrence Perry. Deacons serving at the present time are Brothers Amenious Perry, Will Poole, W.M. Thompson, Carl Poole, Jim Poole, and Nathan Everett. The church has had the following persons to serve as treasurer; Brother John Poole, Sister Mattie Perry, Sister F'rances Wilson, Sister Mingshulla Perrv, and the present treasurer Sister Mary Haynie. TOMBSTONE TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: ------------------------------ a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife BARTON, James, 22-jun-1883, d. 18-dec-1945, a. 62y 5m 24d BROWN, Edith Perry, b. 16-nov-1912, d. 1-dec-1998, same plot as arminus & pauline perry BURTON, Betty Mae, b. 25-mar-1952, d. 13-apr-1967 BURTON, Elma J, no date, difficult to read, funeral marker only BURTON, Infant, next to mary p burton, no dates BURTON, Lillie D., b. 1884, d. 1964 BURTON, Mary P., b. 6-oct-1918, d. 14-jul-1951 BURTON, Tom, b. 8-apr-1922, d. 20-apr-1989, w. margaret farmer burton, p. aaron & lily davis burton, pfc u s army veteran ww2 CHILDERS, Jane, b. c1837, d. 21-jan-1897, single headstone, *says died aged 67y CHOICE, Fannie, b. 1879, d. 1933, * did not find this marker CLINKSCALES, Ora Poole, b. 1884C, d. 26-oct-1987, h. herod clinkscales; p. robert & eliza poole, did not find this marker COLLINS, Bennie, "Rev.", b. 31-jul-1922, d. 25-feb-1995, double marker with ethel m collins, pfc us army COLLINS, Ethel M., b. 18-jun-1930, d. no date of death, double marker with bennie collins COLLINS, Hattie Perry, b. 9-dec-1903, d. 31-oct-1997, commerce ga, p. thomas & mingshulla jarrett perry DANIEL, Janie, 1969, only date, on funeral marker only DANIELS, Melvin, b. 13-jul-1924, d. 1-aug-1958, military marker: sc s1 usnr WWII EVETT, Nathan Sr., b. 1905, d. 1975, military marker cpl us army ww2 GADSON, Olivia, Mrs. b. no date, d. 13-oct-1918 GADSON, Willie Mae, b. 2-jul-1908, d. 17-may-1995 HARBIN, Christopher O., b.1967, d.1967 HARBIN, Faye Callen Hunter, b.3-aug-1931, d.25-july-1993, h. horris leon harbin sr. HARBIN, Harris Leon, Sr. "Cootie", b. 12-sep-1924, no date of death, double marker with faye k h harbin HARBIN, Lalon, b.15-jan-1894, d.31-oct-1928 HARBIN, Lewis R., b. 18-jan-1922, d. 6-feb-1969, military marker: sc tec 5 3687 qm truck co WWII HARRISON, (H.R.) William G., b. 1951, d. 1969 HARRISON, James, b. 1928, d. 1982 HARRISON, Jessie, b. 19-jul-1930, d. no date of death, double marker with roscoe harrison HARRISON, Milton, b.1926, d.1951 HARRISON, Rosa Lee, b. 20-nov-1926, d. 25-apr-1984 HARRISON, Roscoe, b. 14-apr-1934, d. 14-nov-1987, double marker with jessie HARRISON, S.J., b.12-june-1916, d.19-dec-1945 HAYMOND, Charles Edward, Jr., d.4-oct-1977 HAYMOND, Clifford, 10-dec-1979, only date HAYMOND, Henry, b. 9-feb-1892, d. 14-apr-1964 HAYMOND, Mary P. H., b. 17-jan-1909, d. 22-jan-1986, stone says "mother" ISOM, Annie Bell Earl Lynch, b.1900, d.7-dec-1989, p. robert & eliza childers earl, h. hirom isom JOHNSON, Beatrice Williams Harbin, b.1901C, d.3-mar-1987, p. john arthur & sallie luckadoo williams, 1st h. lalon harbin, 2nd h. james johnson, did not find this marker JOHNSON, Carolin E., b.1970, d.1970 JOHNSON, Thelma, Mrs., b.1923, d.1981 KEELS, Bobby, b. 1935, d. 1997, double marker with marie p keels KEELS, Fred , b.12-dec-1896, d.4-sept-1949, military marker: ga pvt 446 res labor bn qmc WWI KEELS, Herbert, b.1892, d.1970 KEELS, Marie P., b1895, d. 1997, double marker with bobby keels KEELS, Mary, b. 1925, d. 1928 LEWIS, Eugene, b.12-aug-1920, d.1-aug-1979, military marker: pfc us army WWII LEWIS, Fannie B., Mrs., b.1898, d.1926 LOOKADOO, John H., b.1876, d.1963, LOOKADOO, Mary A., b.1854, d.1954, beside samuel h. NOTE: 100 yrs. old LOOKDADOO, Samuel H. , b.1844, d.1922, beside mary a. McCLEVEAN, Mandy, b.1847, d.24-nov-1917, a. 70y PERRY, Arminus, b.29-jul-1905, d.14-dec-1993, p. thomas & mingshula jarrett perry, w. pauline e. perry PERRY, Carl, Sr., b.1915, d.1976, PERRY, Daisy L., b. 1888, d. 1977, stone says "mother" PERRY, Keels, b.1875, d.16-may-1915, a.40y PERRY, Kuval D.?(unsure re: spelling first name), b. 13-dec-1925, d. 27-oct-1985 PERRY, Lawrence, b.1912, d.1962 PERRY, Larry, b.19-july-1902, d.14-feb-1953, military marker: sc pfc 525 port bn tc WWII PERRY, Lalon, Mr., b.1930, d.1970 PERRY, Lillie Mae, b.16-oct-1887, double marker with willie oscar perry PERRY, Mingshulla J., b.18-may-1882, d.1-oct-1967, double marker with thomas s PERRY, Pauline P., b. 22-jun-1909, d. 15-jun-2002, double marker with h. arminus perry PERRY, Rosa Lee, b. 1907, d. 2002 PERRY, Roy, b.1909, d.17-sept-1990, p. thomas s. & ming shulla Jarrett Perry, w. nettie poole perry PERRY, Thomas S., b.13-aug-1878, d.30-mar-1929, double marker with mingshulla j PERRY, William, b.1920, d.l980 PERRY, Willie Oscar, b. 9-mar-1886, d. 23-jul-1950, double marker with lillie mae, married 29- feb-1916 PITTS, Anna, b.1906, d.8-nov-1996, p. milt & ga. mcintyre mcalister, h. wm. lem pitts PITTS, Artie, no dates PITTS, Hubret Lesley, b.18-nov-1919, d.27-sept-1936, as on stone PITTS, Julia H., b.7-july-1889, d.1-oct-1983, p. pinckney & sally poole harbin, h. lemuel hampton pitts PITTS, Lem H., b.11-aug-1879, d.10-jan-1964, double marker with julia h. pitts POOL, Ben, b.1873, d.1948 POOLE, Ben, b.25-apr-1915, d.1-sept-1990, p. pearl poole, w. lucille woods poole, st m 1 us navy wwII POOLE, Birdie M., b. 28-nov-1905, d. 18-nov-1999 POOLE, Birdie Mae Wright, b.12-jan-1914, d. 15-nov-1997, p. arthur & lizzie wright, h. g. henry poole, POOLE, Emory, b. 15-nov-1908, d. 24-dec-1999, double marker with myra poole POOLE, G.H., b.28-july-1911, d.2-sept-1990, p. john & martha keels poole, w. bertie mae wright poole POOLE, Gary L., b.24-aug-1942, d.15-sept-1957 POOLE, Hattie Ruth, b.11-mar-1941, d.3-apr-1941 POOLE, J.Y., b. no date, d.23-jan-1940 POOLE,Jim, b. 1923, d. 1992 POOLE, Joe, b. 1880, d. 1952, double marker with ola mae poole POOLE, John, b.15-nov-1872, d.1-jan-1950, double marker with martha k. poole POOLE, Jordan, b.29-jan-1893, d.27-feb-1966, military marker: sc pvt co h 156 depot brigade WWII POOLE, Joseph, b.14-jan-1949, d.24-aug-1990, p. ben & lucille woods poole, w. bert ann cleveland oglesby poole POOLE, Lizzie, Mrs., b. 1921, d. 2000 POOLE, Martha K., b.11-dec-1872, d. 27-oct-1961, double marker with john POOLE, Myra, b. 1-feb-1914, d. 6-aug-1985, double marker with emory poole POOLE, Ola Mae, Mrs., b. 1895, d.13-feb-1965, double marker with joe poole POOLE, Pauline W., b.22-apr-1915, d.15-sept-1997, h. willie POOLE, Pearl, b. 9-apr-1896, d. 9-nov-1970 POOLE, R.E., Mr & Mrs., no dates POOLE, Raymond, 14-mar-1942, only date, next to willie and pauline poole POOLE, Stile, 12-mar-1942, only date, sc pvt 154 depot brig POOLE, Willie, b.9-mar-1914, d.20-feb-1998, p. john & martha keels poole, w. pauline wright poole PRATHER, Clyde,, b.12-oct-1910, d. 16-nov-1999, double marker with ola b, w. helen PRATHER, Ola B., b.12-may-1920, d.19-jan-1981, double marker with clyde ROBINSON, Bessie, 6-feb-1970, only date SCOTT, Anderson, b.12-sept-1930, d.20-apr-1974, military marker: sc cpl us army korea SCOTT, Dave J., b. 7-nov-1934, d. no date of death, double marker with julia m scott SCOTT, Elizabeth, b.22-jan-1927, d.31-apr-1972 SCOTT, Iciebell Grant, b. 28-feb-1931, d. 24-may-1993, h. john h scott SCOTT, J.P., b. 25-dec-1896, d. 18-oct-1978, double marker with sallie scott SCOTT, John Henry, b. 13-sep-1918, d.20-may-1996, p. j.p.scott, w. iciebell grant scott, pvt us army wwII SCOTT, Julia, Mrs., b. 25-oct-1925, d. 26-aug-1980, double marker with dave j scott SCOTT, Julius , b.1920, d.4-june-1990, p. j.p. & sallie perry scott, w. mary helen jackson scott SCOTT, Robert Taylor , b. 18-sep-1940, d.3-sept-2000, p. j.p. & sallie perry scott SCOTT, Sallie Perry , b.20-jan-1891, d.20-dec-1991, p. warrior perry,h. j.p. scott SHERMAN, Effie Haymond, b.10-may-1923, d.31-aug-1977 SKELTON, Cora Lee Scott , b. 23-nov-1928, d.18-mar-1987, p. j.p. & sallie p. scott, h. nathaniel skelton SKELTON, David U.L., b.1-oct-1920, d.31-july-1994, w. fielton scott skelton SKELTON, Dwayne, b.11-oct-1957, d.16-aug-1995, s/o late david, w. tia SKELTON, Nathaniel A., b.8-apr-1925, d.10-feb-1993, p. macie mancell & emanuel skelton, w. cora scott skelton, stm1 us navy wwII STAGGERS, Lila P., b. 1914, d. 1988 THOMPSON, Alfred, b. no date, d.1934 THOMPSON, Christine, b. 1907, d. 1999 THOMPSON, Fay, b. 1959, d. 1959, double marker with kay thompson THOMPSON, Frank, b.5-sept-1896, d.4-july-1974, military marker: pvt us army THOMPSON, Henrietta, Miss, 7-may-1956, only date THOMPSON, Kay, b. 1959, d. 1959, double marker with fay thompson THOMPSON, J.W., b. no date, d. 1934 THOMPSON, James W., b.1892, d.1936 THOMPSON, L., Mrs, b. no date, d.1898 THOMPSON, Mary, Mrs., b.1872, d.1948 THOMPSON, Roosevelt, B.1911, D.1977 THOMPSON, Ruthie Mae, b. 1908, d. 1997 THOMPSON, S., Mrs., d. 1898, only date WILLIAMS, Ellis,, b. 26-aug-1898, d. 5-may-1930 WILLIAMS, John A., b. 1870, d. 1952, beside sallie b. williams WILLIAMS, Nancy P., b. 4-aug-1900, d. 3-mar-1966 WILLIAMS, Sallie B., b. 1880, d. 1935, beside john a. williams WOODS, Bettie,b.28-oct-1903. only date, double marker with j.y. woods WOODS, J.Y., b.6-mar-1908, d.12-dec-1969, double marker with bettie woods WOODS, Margaret Perry, b. 1911, d. 1987 WRIGHT, Arthor, b. 1890, d. 1940